Liquid Movement Project

Fernando Ulloa, Jr. – Photographer, Technical Director
The Liquid Movement Project is about capturing the body’s movement. As such, each photo session has both a clothed and a nude sequence. The project will culminate with a coffee table book and a gallery tour. The coffee table book will be annotated with Haiku by dancer award winning Haiku poet, Natalia Rudychev.
The Liquid Movement Project endeavors to bring Dance Photography closer to the Dance Performance experience. The essence of dance is movement. A photograph which captures dance movement, captures the essence of dance. Most dance photographs capture dancers as if they were statues, bronzes forever frozen in time.
Photographer Bennett Mosse, a student of master dance photographer and dancer, Roy Volkmann, sought to develop a photographic technique which could capture the essential movement intrinsic to dance, as well as the dancers themselves. Relying of his background in Physics and extensive experimentation, Bennett developed a special technique, he calls Liquid Magic, a photographic technique finally able to fuse dance photography with dance performance.
Rounding out the team with Lauren Graham and Fernando Ulloa, Jr. the Liquid Movement Project was born. Lauren’s experience as a professional modern dancer and choreographer gives her the vision to create the perfect image as the dancers float through the air. Fernando a fashion photographer whose experience in lighting and set design is invaluable in bringing the images to life. With these three creative minds combined, the Liquid Movement Project’s unique aesthetic, captures the relationship between performance and photography.
Bennett, Lauren, and Fernando seek to continue developing the project while expanding their audience through a series of gallery shows. While the photos are impressive digitally, they are breathtaking on large prints.
One critique remarked, “Love the light and style, a bit of Parmigianino and other 16th century artists. I think you have captured something special with the warmth of color. I would certainly pursue this combination of modern movement and old subtle light. Very intriguing.”
The work can be previewed at: